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Computer Aids for VLSI Design
+Computer Aids for VLSI Design
+Steven M. Rubin
+Copyright © 1994
+In the design of integrated circuits, the most popular format for
+interchange is the Calma GDS II stream format (GDS II is a trademark
+of Calma Company, a wholly owned subsidiary of General Electric Company, U.S.A.).
+For many years, this format was the only one of its kind and many other
+vendors accepted it in their systems.
+Although Calma has updated the format as their CAD systems have developed,
+they have maintained backward compatibility so that no GDS II files
+become obsolete.
+This is important because
+GDS II is a binary format that makes assumptions about integer and
+floating-point representations.
+A GDS II circuit description is a collection of cells that may contain
+geometry or other cell references.
+These cells, called structures in GDS II parlance, have alphanumeric
+names up to 32 characters long.
+A library of these structures is contained in a file that consists of
+a library header, a sequence of structures, and a library tail.
+Each structure in the sequence consists of a structure header, a sequence
+of elements, and a structure tail.
+There are seven kinds of elements: boundary defines a filled polygon,
+path defines a wire, structure reference invokes a subcell,
+array reference invokes an array of subcells, text is for
+documentation, node defines an electrical path, and box
+places rectangular geometry.
C.1 Record Format
+In order to understand the precise format of the above GDS II components,
+it is first necessary to describe the general record format.
+Each GDS II record has a 4-byte header that specifies the record size and
+The first 2 bytes form a 16-bit integer that contains the record length
+in bytes.
+This length includes the 4-byte header and must always be an even
+The end of a record can contain a single null byte if the record contents
+is an odd number of bytes long.
+The third byte of the header contains the type of the record and the
+fourth byte contains the type of the data.
+Since the data type is constant for each record type, this 2-byte field
+defines the possible records as shown in Figs. C.1 and C.2.
+File Header Records: | Bytes 3 and 4 | Parameter Type |
+HEADER | 0002 | 2-byte integer |
+BGNLIB | 0102 | 12 2-byte integers |
+LIBNAME | 0206 | ASCII string |
+REFLIBS | 1F06 | 2 45-character ASCII strings |
+FONTS | 2006 | 4 44-character ASCII strings |
+ATTRTABLE | 2306 | 44-character ASCII string |
+GENERATIONS | 2202 | 2-byte integer |
+FORMAT | 3602 | 2-byte integer |
+MASK | 3706 | ASCII string |
+ENDMASKS | 3800 | No data |
+UNITS | 0305 | 2 8-byte floats |
+ |
+File Tail Records: | Bytes 3 and 4 | Parameter Type |
+ENDLIB | 0400 | No data |
+ |
+Structure Header Records: | Bytes 3 and 4 | Parameter Type |
+BGNSTR | 0502 | 12 2-byte integers |
+STRNAME | 0606 | Up to 32-characters ASCII string |
+ |
+Structure Tail Records: | Bytes 3 and 4 | Parameter Type |
+ENDSTR | 0700 | No data |
+ |
FIGURE C.1 GDS II header record types. |
+Magnetic tapes containing GDS II files will have 2048 byte blocks that
+contain these records.
+The block size is standardized but has no bearing on record length or
+There is also a capability for circuits that require multiple
+reels of tape.
+Element Header Records: | Bytes 3 and 4 | Parameter Type |
+BOUNDARY | 0800 | No data |
+PATH | 0900 | No data |
+SREF | 0A00 | No data |
+AREF | 0B00 | No data |
+TEXT | 0C00 | No data |
+NODE | 1500 | No data |
+BOX | 2D00 | No data |
+ |
+Element Contents Records: | Bytes 3 and 4 | Parameter Type |
+ELFLAGS | 2601 | 2-byte integer |
+PLEX | 2F03 | 4-byte integer |
+LAYER | 0D02 | 2-byte integers |
+DATATYPE | 0E02 | 2-byte integer |
+XY | 1003 | Up to 200 4-byte integer pairs |
+PATHTYPE | 2102 | 2-byte integer |
+WIDTH | 0F03 | 4-byte integer |
+SNAME | 1206 | Up to 32-character ASCII string |
+STRANS | 1A01 | 2-byte integer |
+MAG | 1B05 | 8-byte float |
+ANGLE | 1C05 | 8-byte float |
+COLROW | 1302 | 2 2-byte integers |
+TEXTTYPE | 1602 | 2-byte integer |
+PRESENTATION | 1701 | 2-byte integer |
+ASCII STRING | 1906 | Up to 512-character string |
+NODETYPE | 2A02 | 2-byte integer |
+BOXTYPE | 2E02 | 2-byte integer |
+ |
FIGURE C.2 GDS II element record types. |
C.2 Library Head and Tail
+A GDS II file header always begins with a HEADER record the parameter of which
+contains the GDS II version number used to write the file.
+For example, the bytes 0, 6, 0, 2, 0, 1 at the start of the file constitute
+the header record for a version-1 file.
+Following the HEADER comes a BGNLIB record that contains the date of the
+last modification and the date of the last access to the file.
+Dates take six 2-byte integers to store the year, month, day, hour, minute, and
+The third record of a file is the LIBNAME, which identifies the name of
+this library file.
+For example, the bytes 0, 8, 2, 6, "C", "H", "I", "P" define a
+library named "CHIP."
+Following the LIBNAME record there may be any of the optional header records:
+REFLIBS to name up to two reference libraries, FONTS to name up to four
+character fonts, ATTRTABLE to name an attribute file, GENERATIONS to
+indicate the number of old file copies to keep, and FORMAT to indicate the
+nature of this file.
+The strings in the REFLIBS, FONTS, and ATTRTABLE records must be the
+specified length, padded with zero bytes.
+The parameter to FORMAT has the value 0 for an archived file and the
+value 1 for a filtered file.
+Filtered files contain only a subset of the mask layers and that subset
+is described with one or more MASK records followed by an ENDMASK
+The string parameter in a MASK record names layers and sequences of layers;
+for example, "1 3 5-7."
+The final record of a file header is the UNITS record and it is not optional.
+The parameters to this record contain the number of user units per
+database unit (typically less than 1 to allow granularity of user
+specification) and the number of meters per database unit (typically much
+less than 1 for IC specifications).
+Eight-byte floating-point numbers have a sign at the top of the first
+byte, a 7-bit exponent in the rest of that byte, and 7 more bytes that
+compose a mantissa (all to the right of an implied decimal point).
+The exponent is a factor of 16 in excess-64 notation (that is, the mantissa
+is multiplied by 16 raised to the true value of the exponent, where the
+true value is its integer representation minus 64).
+Following the file header records come the structure records.
+After the last structure has been defined, the file terminates with
+a simple ENDLIB record.
+Note that there is no provision for the specification of a root
+structure to define a circuit; this must be tracked
+by the designer.
C.3 Structure Head and Tail
+Each structure has two header records and one tail record that sandwich
+an arbitrary list of elements.
+The first structure header is the BGNSTR record, which contains the creation
+date and the last modification date.
+Following that is the STRNAME record, which names the structure using
+any alphabetic or numeric characters, the dollar sign, or the underscore.
+The structure is then open and any of the seven elements can be listed.
+The last record of a structure is the ENDSTR.
+Following it must be another BGNSTR or the end of the library, ENDLIB.
+The boundary element defines a filled polygon.
+It begins with a BOUNDARY record, has an optional ELFLAGS and PLEX record,
+and then has required LAYER, DATATYPE, and XY records.
+The ELFLAGS record, which appears optionally in every element, has two
+flags in its parameter to indicate template data (if bit 16 is set)
+or external data (if bit 15 is set).
+This record should be ignored on input and excluded from output.
+Note that the GDS II integer has bit 1 in the leftmost or most significant
+position so these two flags are in the least significant bits.
+The PLEX record is also optional to every element and defines element
+structuring by aggregating those that have common plex numbers.
+Although a 4-byte integer is available for plex numbering, the
+high byte (first byte) is a flag that indicates the head of the plex if its least
+significant bit (bit 8) is set.
+The LAYER record is required to define which layer (numbered 0 to 63) is to
+be used for this boundary.
+The meaning of these layers is not defined rigorously and must be
+determined for each design environment and library.
+The DATATYPE record contains unimportant information and its argument should
+be zero.
+The XY record contains anywhere from four to 200 coordinate pairs
+that define the outline of the polygon.
+The number of points in this record is defined by the record length.
+Note that boundaries must be closed explicitly, so the first and last
+coordinate values must be the same.
+A path is an open figure with a nonzero width that is typically used
+to place wires.
+This element is initiated with a PATH record followed by the optional ELFLAGS
+and PLEX records.
+The LAYER record must follow to identify the desired path material.
+Also, a DATATYPE record must appear and an XY record to define the coordinates
+of the path.
+From two to 200 points may be given in a path.
+Prior to the XY record of a path specification there may be two
+optional records called PATHTYPE and WIDTH.
+The PATHTYPE record describes the nature of the path segment
+ends, according to its parameter value.
+If the value is 0, the segments will have square ends that terminate
+at the path vertices.
+The value 1 indicates rounded ends and the value 2 indicates
+square ends that overlap their vertices by one-half of their width.
+The width of the path is defined by the optional WIDTH record.
+If the width value is negative, then it will be independent of any
+structure scaling (from MAG records, see next section).
+Hierarchy is achieved by allowing structure references (instances)
+to appear in other structures.
+The SREF record indicates a structure reference and is followed
+by the optional ELFLAGS and PLEX records.
+The SNAME record then names the desired structure and an XY record
+contains a single coordinate to place this instance.
+It is legal to make reference to structures that have not yet been
+defined with STRNAME.
+Prior to the XY record there may be optional transformation records.
+The STRANS record must appear first if structure transformations are desired.
+Its parameter has bit flags that indicate mirroring in x before rotation
+(if bit 1 is set), the use of absolute magnification (if bit 14 is set),
+and the use of absolute rotation (if bit 15 is set).
+The magnification and rotation amounts may then be specified in the
+optional MAG and ANGLE records.
+The rotation angle is in counterclockwise degrees.
+For convenience, an array of structure instances can be specified with
+the AREF record.
+Following the optional ELFLAGS and PLEX records comes the SNAME to identify
+the structure being arrayed.
+Next, the optional transformation records STRANS, MAG, and ANGLE give
+the orientation of the instances.
+A COLROW record must follow to specify the number of columns and
+the number of rows in the array.
+The final record is an XY with three points: the coordinate of the
+corner instance, the coordinate of the last instance in the columnar
+direction, and the coordinate of the last instance in the row direction.
+From this information, the amount of instance overlap or separation
+can be determined.
+Note that flipping arrays (in which alternating rows or columns are mirrored
+to abut along the same side) can be implemented with multiple arrays that
+are interlaced and spaced apart to describe alternating rows or columns.
+Messages can be included in a circuit with the TEXT record.
+The optional ELFLAGS and PLEX follow with the mandatory LAYER record
+after that.
+A TEXTTYPE record with a zero argument must then appear.
+An optional PRESENTATION record specifies the font in bits 11 and 12,
+the vertical presentation in bits 13 and 14 (0 for top, 1 for
+middle, 2 for bottom), and the horizontal presentation in bits 15 and 16
+(0 for left, 1 for center, 2 for right).
+Optional PATHTYPE, WIDTH, STRANS, MAG, and ANGLE records may appear to
+affect the text.
+The last two records are required: an XY with a single coordinate to
+locate the text and a STRING record to specify the actual text.
+Electrical nets may be specified with the NODE record.
+The optional ELFLAGS and PLEX records follow and the required LAYER
+record is next.
+A NODETYPE record must appear with a zero argument, followed by an XY record
+with one to 50 points that identify coordinates on the electrical net.
+The information in this element is not graphical and does not affect the
+manufactured circuit.
+Rather, it is for other CAD systems that use topological information.
+The last element of a GDS II file is the box.
+Following the BOX record are the optional ELFLAGS and PLEX records,
+a mandatory LAYER record, a BOXTYPE record with a zero argument,
+and an XY record.
+The XY must contain five points that describe a closed, four-sided box.
+Unlike the boundary, this is not a filled figure.
+Therefore it cannot be used for IC geometry.
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+ CHAPTER 1 GDSII format
+bachus nauer forms
+Record header
+Data types
+record types overview
+record types description
+example file
+text presentation of GDSII file in
+hex presentation of same file
+GDSII file
+GDSII Stream format is the standard file format for transfering/archiving
+2D graphical design data. It contains a hiearchy of structures, each structure
+containing elements (boundary/polygon, path/polyline, text,box, structure
+references, structure array references). The elements are situated on layers.
+It is a binary format that is platform independent, because it uses internally
+defined formats for its data types. While reading GDSII files, the GDSII
+internal data types (like reals, integers etc.) need to be converted to
+the platform/CAE package datatypes that are used.The GDSII format is a
+sequential list of records, each record contains a header to tell what
+information is in the record.The order of the record needs to be according
+to the GDSII BNF, because of this strict organization it is relativly easy
+to parse. The maximum number of vertixes is officially only 200 x,y pairs,
+but many packages can read up to the absolute maximum of 64k/2=32k, simple
+because this is the maximum record lenght that can be specified (two bytes).The
+format is hard to read, since it is binary, for that viewers are available
+to view (boolean) the contents as ASCII. Also an ASCII format has
+been developed (KEY format) which is more than just a text representation.
+It is possible to convert GDSIIformat to KEYformat and back.
+KEYformat has extended the basic primitives to contain cicrles, arcs, polygons/polylines
+with arc segments.
+Nauer Forms |
+The Bachus Nauer Form uses the following symbols:
+Symbol Name |
+Symbol |
+Meaning |
+Double Colon |
+:: |
+"Is composed of." |
+Square brackets |
+[ ] |
+An element which can occor zero or one time. |
+Braces |
+{ } |
+Choose one of the elements within the braces. |
+Braces with an asteriks |
+{ }* |
+The elements within the braces can occur zero or more times. |
+Braces with a plus |
+{ }+ |
+The elements within braces must occur one or more times. |
+Angle brackets |
+< > |
+These elements are further defined as a seperate entitie in the syntax
+list. |
+Vertical bar |
+| |
+Or |
+The following is the Bachus Naur Form of the GDSI format, the words in
+capital are the names of RECORDS
+The Stream format output file is composed of variable length records. Record
+length is measured in bytes. The minimum record length is four bytes. Within
+the record, two bytes (16 bits) is a word. The 16 bits in a word are numbered
+0 to 15, left to right.The first four bytes of a record compose the recordheader.
+The first two bytes of the recordheader contain a count (in eight-bit bytes)
+of the total record length, so the maximum length is 65536 (64k). The next
+record starts immediately after the last byte of the previous record.The
+third byte of the header is the record type. The fourth byte of the header
+identifies the type of data contained within the record. The fifth until
+count bytes of a record contain the data.
+Bitnr |
+0 |
+1 |
+2 |
+3 |
+4 |
+5 |
+6 |
+7 |
+8 |
+9 |
+10 |
+11 |
+12 |
+13 |
+14 |
+15 |
+Word1 |
+Total Record length in bytes |
+Word2 |
+Record Type |
+Data type |
+Word3 |
+Data until Word n (total record length/2) |
+The fourth byte in the record header contains the data type for the rest
+of the record. The record length is used to find the number of items
+of the specified datatype.
+Data Type |
+Value |
+No Data |
+0 |
+Bit Array |
+1 |
+Two Byte Signed Integer |
+2 |
+Four Byte Signed Integer |
+3 |
+Four Byte Real |
+4 (not used) |
+Eight Byte Real |
+5 |
+ASCII string |
+6 |
+Bit Array:
A bit array is a word which uses the value of a particular bit or group
+of bits to represent data. A bit array allows oneword to represent a number
+of simple pieces of information.
+Two-Byte Signed Integer:
2-byte integer = 1 word 2s-complement representation. The range of
+two-byte signed integers is -32,768 to 32,767.
+The following is a representation of a two-byte integer, where S is
+the sign and M is the magnitude.
smmmmmmm mmmmmmmm
The following are examples of two-byte integers:
00000000 00000001 = 1
00000000 00000010 = 2
00000000 10001001 = 137
11111111 11111111 = -1
11111111 11111110 = -2
11111111 01110111 = -137
+Four-Byte Signed Integer:
4-byte integer = 2 word 2s-complement representation
+The range of four-byte signed integers is -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647.
The following is a representation of a four-byte integer, where S is
+the sign and M is the magnitude.
smmmmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm
The following are examples of four-byte integers:
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000001 = 1
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000010 = 2
00000000 00000000 00000000 10001001 = 137
11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 = -1
11111111 11111111 11111111 11111110 = -2
11111111 11111111 11111111 01110111 = -137
+Four-Byte Real
4-byte real = 2-word floating point representation
+(See 5.)
+Eight-Byte Real
8-byte real = 4-word floating point representation
+For all non-zero values:
+A floating point number has three parts: the sign, the exponent, and the
+The value of a floating point number is defined as:
+(Mantissa) x (16 raised to the true value of the exponent field).
+The exponent field (bits 1-7) is in Excess-64 representation.
+The 7-bit field shows a number that is 64 greater than the actual exponent.
+The mantissa is always a positive fraction >=1/16 and <1. For a 4-byte
+real, the mantissa is bits 8-31. For an 8-byte real, the mantissa is bits
+The binary point is just to the left of bit 8.
+Bit 8 represents the value 1/2, bit 9 represents 1/4, etc.
+In order to keep the mantissa in the range of 1/16 to 1, the results of
+floating point arithmetic are normalized. Normalization is a process where
+by the mantissa is shifted left one hex digit at a time until its left
+FOUR bits represent a non-zero quantity. For every hex digit shifted, the
+exponent is decreased by one. Since the mantissa is shifted four bits at
+a time, it is possible for the left three bits of the normalized mantissa
+to be zero. A zero value, also called true zero, is represented by a number
+with all bits zero.
+The following are representations of 4-byte and 8-byte reals, where S is
+the sign, E is the exponent, and M is the magnitude. Examples of 4-byte
+reals are included in the following pages, but 4-byte reals are not used
+currently. The representation of the negative values of real numbers is
+exactly the same as the positive, except that the highest order bit is
+1, not 0. In the eight-byte real representation, the first four bytes are
+exactly the same as in the four-byte real representation. The last four
+bytes contain additional binary places for more resolution.
+4-byte real:
8-byte real:
Examples of 4-byte real:
Note: In the first six lines of the following example, the 7-bit exponent
+field = 65. The actual exponent is 65-64=1.
01000001 00010000 00000000 00000000 = 1
01000001 00100000 00000000 00000000 = 2
01000001 00110000 00000000 00000000 = 3
11000001 00010000 00000000 00000000 = -1
11000001 00100000 00000000 00000000 = -2
11000001 00110000 00000000 00000000 = -3
01000000 10000000 00000000 0000000 = 0 .5
01000000 10011001 10011001 1001100 = 1 .6
01000000 10110011 00110011 0011001 = 1 .7
01000001 00011000 00000000 00000000 = 1.5
01000001 00011001 10011001 10011001 = 1.6
01000001 00011011 00110011 00110011 = 1.7
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 = 0
01000001 00010000 00000000 00000000 = 1
01000001 10100000 00000000 00000000 = 10
01000010 01100100 00000000 00000000 = 100
01000011 00111110 00000001 00000000 = 1000
01000100 00100111 00010000 00000000 = 10000
01000101 00011000 01101010 00000000 = 100000
+ASCII String
A collection of ASCII characters, where each character is represented
+by one byte. All odd length strings must be padded with a null character
+(the number zero), and the byte count for the record containing the ASCII
+string must include this null character. Stream read-in programs must look
+for the null character and decrease the length of the string by one if
+the null character is present.
+Types Overview |
+The following table gives an overview of all the record that are used within
+a GDSII file.
+Nr. |
+Code |
+Mnemonic |
+Data Type |
+description |
+0 |
+0002 |
+Two-Byte Signed Integer |
+version number |
+1 |
+0102 |
+Two-Byte Signed Integer |
+begin of library, last modification date and time |
+2 |
+0206 |
+Two-Byte Signed Integer |
+name of library |
+3 |
+0305 |
+Eight-Byte Real |
+user and database units |
+4 |
+0400 |
+No Data |
+end of library |
+5 |
+0502 |
+Two-Byte Signed Integer |
+begin of structure + creation and modification time |
+6 |
+0606 |
+ASCII string |
+name of structure |
+7 |
+0700 |
+No Data |
+end of structure |
+8 |
+0800 |
+No Data |
+begin of boundary element |
+9 |
+0900 |
+No Data |
+begin of path element |
+10 |
+0A00 |
+No Data |
+begin of structure reference element |
+11 |
+0B00 |
+No Data |
+begin of array reference element |
+12 |
+0C00 |
+No Data |
+begin of text element |
+13 |
+0D02 |
+Two-Byte Signed Integer |
+layer number of element |
+14 |
+0E02 |
+Two-Byte Signed Integer |
+Datatype number of element |
+15 |
+0F03 |
+Four-Byte Signed Integer |
+width of element in db units |
+16 |
+1003 |
+XY |
+Four-Byte Signed Integer |
+list of xy coordinates in db units |
+17 |
+1100 |
+No Data |
+end of element |
+18 |
+1206 |
+ASCII string |
+name of structure reference |
+19 |
+1302 |
+Two-Byte Signed Integer |
+number of colomns and rows in array reference |
+21 |
+1500 |
+No Data |
+begin of node element |
+22 |
+1602 |
+Two-Byte Signed Integer |
+texttype number |
+23 |
+1701 |
+Bit Array |
+text presentation, font |
+25 |
+1906 |
+ASCII string |
+character string for text element |
+26 |
+1A01 |
+Bit Array |
+array reference, structure reference and text transform flags |
+27 |
+1B05 |
+MAG |
+Eight Byte Real |
+magnification factor for text and references |
+28 |
+1C05 |
+Eight Byte Real |
+rotation angle for text and references |
+31 |
+1F06 |
+ASCII string |
+name of referenced libraries |
+32 |
+2006 |
+ASCII string |
+name of text fonts definition files |
+33 |
+2102 |
+Two-Byte Signed Integer |
+type of PATH element end ( rounded, square) |
+34 |
+2202 |
+Two-Byte Signed Integer |
+number of deleted structure ????? |
+35 |
+2306 |
+ASCII string |
+attribute table, used in combination with element properties |
+38 |
+2601 |
+Two-Byte Signed Integer |
+template data |
+42 |
+2A02 |
+Two-Byte Signed Integer |
+node type number for NODE element |
+43 |
+2B02 |
+Two-Byte Signed Integer |
+attribute number |
+44 |
+2C06 |
+ASCII string |
+attribute name |
+45 |
+2D00 |
+BOX |
+No Data |
+begin of box element |
+46 |
+2E02 |
+Two-Byte Signed Integer |
+boxtype for box element |
+47 |
+2F03 |
+Four-Byte Signed Integer |
+plex number |
+50 |
+3202 |
+Two-Byte Signed Integer |
+Tape Number |
+51 |
+3302 |
+Two-Byte Signed Integer |
+Tape code |
+54 |
+3602 |
+Two-Byte Signed Integer |
+format type |
+55 |
+3706 |
+ASCII string |
+list of layers |
+56 |
+3800 |
+No Data |
+end of MASK |
+types description |
+Records are always an even number of bytes long. The first four bytes of
+a record are the record
+header. If a record contains ASCII string data and the ASCII string
+is an odd number of bytes long, the data is padded with a null character.
+This paragraph lists the record types with a brief description of each.
+The descriptions include the record name and a four-digit number in brackets.
+The first two numbers within the brackets are the record type, and the
+last two numbers in brackets are the data type. All record numbers are
+expressed in hexadecimal.
+0 |
+0002 |
+Two-Byte Signed Integer |
+Contains two bytes of data representing the Stream version number.
+1 |
+0102 |
+Two-Byte Signed Integer |
+Contains the last modification time of a library (two bytes each for year,
+month, day, hour, minute, and second), the time of last access (same format),
+and marks the beginning of a library.
+Bit |
+0 |
+1 |
+2 |
+3 |
+4 |
+5 |
+6 |
+7 |
+8 |
+9 |
+10 |
+11 |
+12 |
+13 |
+14 |
+15 |
+word1 |
+l C (hex) # of bytes in record |
+word2 |
+01 (hex) 02 (hex) |
+word3 |
+year (lastmodification time) |
+word4 |
+month |
+word5 |
+day |
+word6 |
+hour |
+word7 |
+minute |
+word8 |
+second |
+word9 |
+year (last access time) |
+word10 |
+month |
+word11 |
+day |
+word12 |
+hour |
+word13 |
+minute |
+word14 |
+second |
+2 |
+0206 |
+ASCII String |
+Contains a string which is the library name. The library name must follow
+UNIX filename conventions for length and valid characters. The library
+name may include the file extension (.sf or db in most cases).
+3 |
+0305 |
+Eight-Byte Real |
+Contains two eight-byte real numbers. The first number is the size of a
+database unit in user units. The second number is the size of a database
+unit in meters. For example, if you create a library with the default units
+(user unit = 1 micron and 1000 database units per user unit), the first
+number is .001, and the second number is 1E-9. Typically, the first number
+is less than 1, since you use more than 1 database unit per user unit.
+To calculate the size of a user unit in meters, divide the second number
+by the first.
+4 |
+0400 |
+No Data |
+Marks the end of a library.
+5 |
+0502 |
+Two-Byte Signed Integer |
+Contains the creation time and last modification time of a structure (in
+the same format as the BGNLIB record), and marks the beginning of a structure.
+6 |
+0606 |
+ASCII String |
+Contains a string which is the structure name. A structurename may be up
+to 32 characters long. Legal structurename characters are:
+A through Z
+a through z
+0 through 9
+Underscore (_)
+Question mark (?)
+Dollar sign ($)
+7 |
+0700 |
+No Data |
+Marks the end of a structure.
+8 |
+0800 |
+No Data |
+Marks the beginning of a boundary element.
+9 |
+0900 |
+No Data |
+Marks the beginning of a path element.
+10 |
+0A00 |
+No Data |
+Marks the beginning of an Sref (structure reference) element.
+11 |
+0B00 |
+No Data |
+Marks the beginning of an Aref (array reference) element.
+12 |
+0C00 |
+No Data |
+Marks the beginning of a text element.
+13 |
+0D02 |
+Two-Byte Signed Integer |
+Contains two bytes which specify the layer. The value of the layer must
+be in the range of 0 to 255.
+14 |
+OEO2 |
+Two-Byte Signed Integer |
+Contains two bytes which specify the datatype. The value of the datatype
+must be in the range of 0 to 255.
+15 |
+0F03 |
+Two-Byte Signed Integer |
+Contains four bytes which specify the width of a path or text lines in
+database units. A negative value for width means that the width is absolute,
+that is, the width is not affected by the magnification factor of any parent
+reference. If omitted, zero is assumed.
+16 |
+XY |
+1003 |
+Two-Byte Signed Integer |
+Contains an array of XY coordinates in database units. Each X or Y coordinate
+is four bytes long. Path elements may have a minimum of 2 and a maximum
+of 200 coordinates. Boundary and border elements may have a minimum of
+4 and a maximum of 200 coordinates. The first and last coordinates of a
+boundary or border must coincide.
+A text, or Sref element may have only one coordinate.
+An Aref has exactly three coordinates. In an Aref, the first coordinate
+is the array reference point (origin point). The other two coordinates
+are already rotated, reflected as specified in the STRANS record (if specified).
+So in order to calculate the intercolomn and interrow spacing, the coordinates
+must be mapped back to their original position, or the vector lenght (x1,y1->
+x3,y3) must be divided by the number of row etc. . The second coordinate
+locates a position which is displaced from the reference point by the inter-column
+spacing times the number of columns. The third coordinate locates a position
+which is displaced from the reference point by the inter-row spacing times
+the number of rows. For an example of an array lattice see the next picture.
Aref rotated
+-30 degrees.
+A node may have from one to 50 coordinates.
+A box must have five coordinates, with the first and last coordinates being
+the same.
+17 |
+1100 |
+No Data |
+Marks the end of an element.
+18 |
+1206 |
+ASCII string |
+Contains the name of a referenced structure.See also STRNAME.
+19 |
+1302 |
+Two-Byte Signed Integer |
+Contains four bytes. The first two bytes contain the number of columns
+in the array. The third and fourth bytes contain the number of rows. Neither
+the number of columns nor the number of rows may exceed 32,767 (decimal),
+and both are positive. See also AREF.
+21 |
+1500 |
+No Data |
+Present Marks the beginning of a node
+22 |
+1602 |
+Two-Byte Signed Integer |
+Contains two bytes representing texttype. The value of the texttype must
+be in the range 0 to 255.
+23 |
+1701 |
+Bit Array |
+Contains one word (two bytes) of bit flags for text presentation. Bits
+10 and 11, taken together as a binary number, specify the font (00 means
+font 0, 01 rneans font 1, 10 means font 2, and 11 means font 3). Bits 12
+and 13 specify the vertical justification (00 means top, 01 means middle,
+and 10 means bottom). Bits 14 and 15 specify the horizontal justification
+(00 means left, 01 means center, and 10 means right). Bits 0 through 9
+are reserved for future use and must be cleared. If this record is omitted,
+then top-left justification and font 0 are assumed. The following shows
+Bit |
+0 |
+1 |
+2 |
+3 |
+4 |
+5 |
+6 |
+7 |
+8 |
+9 |
+10 |
+11 |
+12 |
+13 |
+14 |
+15 |
+word1 |
+6 (hex) # of bytes in record |
+word2 |
+17 (hex) |
+01 (hex) |
+word3 |
+unused |
+font number |
+ presentaion |
+horizontal presentation |
+25 |
+1906 |
+ASCII String |
+Contains a character string, up to 512 characters long, for text presentation.
+26 |
+1A01 |
+Bit Array |
+Contains two bytes of bit flags for Sref, Aref, and text transforrnation.
+Bit 0 (the leftmost bit) specifies reflection. If bit 0 is set, the element
+is reflected about the X-axis before angular rotation. For an Aref, the
+entire array is reflected, with the individual array members rigidly attached.
+Bit 13 flags absolute magnification. Bit 14 flags absolute angle. Bit 15
+(the rightmost bit) and all remaining bits are reserved for future use
+and must be cleared. If this record is omitted, the element is assumed
+to have no reflection, non-absolute magnification, and non- absolute angle.
The following shows a STRANS record.
+Bit |
+0 |
+1 |
+2 |
+3 |
+4 |
+5 |
+6 |
+7 |
+8 |
+9 |
+10 |
+11 |
+12 |
+13 |
+14 |
+15 |
+word1 |
+6 (hex) # of bytes in record |
+word2 |
+1A (hex) |
+01 (hex) |
+word3 |
+reflection |
+unused |
+ magnification |
+absolute angle |
+unused |
+27 |
+MAG |
+1B05 |
+Eight Byte Real |
+Eight-Byte Real Contains a double-precision real number (8 bytes), which
+is the magnification factor. If this record is omitted, a magnification
+factor of one is assumed.
+28 |
+1C05 |
+Eight Byte Real |
+Eight-Byte Real Contains a double-precision real number (8 bytes), which
+is the angular rotation factor. The angle of rotation is measured in degrees
+and in the counterclockwise direction. For an Aref,
+the ANGLE rotates the entire array (with the individual array members rigidly
+attached) about the array reference point. For COLROW
+record information, the angle of rotation is already inlcuded in the coordinates.
+If this record is omitted, an angle of zero degrees is assumed.
+31 |
+1F06 |
+ASCII String |
+Contains the names of the reference libraries. This record must be present
+if any reference libraries are bound to the working library. The name of
+the first reference library starts at byte 5 (immediately following the
+record header) and continues for 44 bytes. The next 44 bytes contain the
+name of the second library. The record is extended by 44 bytes for each
+additional library (up to 15) which is bound for reference. The reference
+library names may include directory specifiers (separated with "/") and
+an extension (separated with "."). If either the first or second library
+is not named, its place is filled with nulls.
+32 |
+2006 |
+ASCII String |
+Contains the names of the textfont definition files. This record must be
+present if any of the four fonts have acorresponding textfont definition
+file. This record must not be present if none of the fonts have a textfont
+definition file. The textfont filename of font 0 starts the record, followed
+by the textfont files of the remaining three fonts.Each filename is 44
+bytes long. The filename is padded withnulls if the name is shorter than
+44 bytes. The filename is null if no textfont definition corresponds to
+the font. The textfont filenames may include directory specifiers (separated
+with "/" and an extension (separated with ".").
+33 |
+2102 |
+Two-Byte Signed Integer |
+This record contains a value that describes the type of path endpoints.
+The value is
+0 for square-ended paths that endflush with their endpoints
+1 for round-ended paths
+2 for square-ended paths that extend a half-width beyond their endpoints
+If not specified, a Path-type of 0 is assumed.
+The following picture shows the pathtypes
+ |
+Pathtype 0 produces a square-ended path, ending flush with
+thedigitized endpoints. This is the de-fault pathtype if none is specified |
+Pathtype 1 produces a round-ended path. The two ends aresemicircular
+with center at thedigitized endpoints. |
+Pathtype 2 produces a square-ended path. The ends of the pathextend
+beyond the digitized end-points by one-half the path width. |
+34 |
+2202 |
+Two-Byte Signed Integer |
+This record contains a value to indicate the number of copies of deleted
+or back-up structures to retain. This numbermust be at least 2 and not
+more than 99. If the GENERATION record is omitted, a value of 3 is assumed.
+35 |
+2306 |
+Two-Byte Signed Integer |
+Contains the name of the attribute definition file. This record is present
+only if an attribute definition file is bound to the library. The attribute
+defenition filename may include directory specifiers (separated with "/")
+and an extension (separated with "."). Maximum record size is 44 bytes.
+36 |
+2502 |
+Two-Byte Signed Integer |
+Unrelesed Feature
+37 |
+2502 |
+Two-Byte Signed Integer |
+Unrelesed Feature
+38 |
+2601 |
+Bit Array |
+Contains two bytes of bit flags. Bit 15 (the rightmost bit)specifies Template
+data. Bit 14 specifies External data(also referred to as Exterior data).
+All other bits are currently unused and must be cleared to 0. If this record
+isomitted, all bits are assumed to be 0. The following shows an ELFLAGS
+For additional information on Template data, consult the GDSII Reference
+Manual. For additional information on External data, consult the CustomPlus
+User's Manual.
+Bit |
+0 |
+1 |
+2 |
+3 |
+4 |
+5 |
+6 |
+7 |
+8 |
+9 |
+10 |
+11 |
+12 |
+13 |
+14 |
+15 |
+word1 |
+6 (hex) # of bytes in record |
+word2 |
+26 (hex) |
+01 (hex) |
+word3 |
+unused |
+external data |
+ data |
+39 |
+2703 |
+Two-Byte Signed Integer |
+(Unreleased feature)
+40 |
+28 |
+Two-Byte Signed Integer |
+(Unreleased feature)
+41 |
+29 |
+Two-Byte Signed Integer |
+(Unreleased feature)
+42 |
+2A02 |
+Two-Byte Signed Integer |
+Contains two bytes which specify nodetype. The value ofthe nodetype must
+be in the range of 0 to 255.
+43 |
+2B02 |
+Two-Byte Signed Integer |
+Contains two bytes which specify the attribute number. The attribute number
+is an integer from 1 to 127. Attribute numbers 126 and 127 are reserved
+for the user integer and userstring (CSD) properties which existed prior
+to Release 3.0.
+44 |
+2C06 |
+ASCII string |
+Contains the string value associated with the attribute named in the preceding
+PROPATTR record. Maximumlength is 126 characters. The attribute-value pairs
+associated with any one element must all have distinct attribute numbers.
+Also, the total amount of property data that may be associated with any
+one element is limited: thetotal length of all the strings, plus twice
+the number of attribute-value pairs, must not exceed 128 (or 512 if the
+element is an Sref, Aref, contact, nodeport, or node).
+For example, if a boundary element uses property attribute2 with property
+value "metal," and property attribute 10 with property value "property,"
+the total amount of property data is 18 bytes. This is 6 bytes for "metal"
+(odd-length strings must be padded with a null) + 8 for "property" + 2
+times the 2 attributes (4) = 18.
+45 |
+BOX |
+2D00 |
+No Data |
+Marks the beginning of a box element.
+46 |
+2E02 |
+Two-Byte Signed Integer |
+Contains two bytes which specify boxtype. The value of the boxtype must
+be in the range of 0 to 255.
+47 |
+2F03 |
+Two-Byte Signed Integer |
+A unique positive number which is common to all elementsof the plex to
+which this element belongs. The head of the plex is flagged by setting
+the seventh bit; therefore, plexnumbers should be small enough to occupy
+only the right-most 24 bits. If this record is not present, the element
+is not a plex member Applies to Pathtype 4.Contains four bytes which specify
+indatabase units the distance a path outline begins before orafter the
+last point of the path. Value can be negative.
+50 |
+3202 |
+Two-Byte Signed Integer |
+Contains two bytes which specify the number of the current reel of tape
+for a multi-reel Stream file. For the first tape, the TAPENUM is 1: for
+the second tape, the TAPENUM is 2. For each additional tape, increment
+the TAPENum by one.
+51 |
+3302 |
+Two-Byte Signed Integer |
+Contains 12 bytes. This is a unique 6-integer code which iscommon to all
+the reels of multi-reel Stream file. It verifies that the correct reels
+are being read.
+52 |
+3401 |
+Two-Byte Signed Integer |
+Not used
+53 |
+3503 |
+Two-Byte Signed Integer |
+This record type was used for NUMTYPES but was not required.
+54 |
+3602 |
+Two-Byte Signed Integer |
+Defines the format of a Stream tape in two bytes. The possible values are:
+for GDSII Archive format
+for GDSII Filtered format
+for EDSM Archive format
+for EDSHI Filtered forrnat
+An Archive Stream file contains elements for all the layers and data types.
+In an Archive Stream file, the FORMAT record is followed immediately by
+the UNITS record. A file which does not have the FORMAT record is assumed
+to be an Archive file.
+A Filtered Stream file contains only the elements on the layers and
+with the datatypes you specify during creation ofthe Stream file. The list
+of layers and datatypes specified appear in MASK records. At least one
+MASK record must immediately follow the FORMAT record. The MASK records
+are terminated with the ENDMASKS record.
+55 |
+3706 |
+ASCII string |
+(Required for and present only in FilteredStream file. )
Contains the list of layers and datatypes specified by the user when
+creating the file. At least one MASK record must immediately follow the
+FORMAT record. More than one MASK record may occur. The last MASK record
+is followed by the ENDMASK record.
In the MASK list, datatypes are separated from the layers with a semicolon.
+Individual layers or datatypes are sepa-rated with a space. A range of
+layers or datatypes is specified with a dash.
+An example MASK list looks like this: 1 5 -7 10 ; 0- 255
+56 |
+3800 |
+NoData |
+(Required for and present only in FilteredStream file.)
Marks the end of the MASK records. The ENDMASKS record must follow
+the last MASK record. ENDMASKS is immediately followed by the UNITS record.