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2020-05-15 19:41:02 +02:00
inductor_2.il add ihp stuff? 2018-12-14 14:11:21 +01:00
Readme.md add small readme 2020-05-15 19:41:02 +02:00

Ever wanted to have coils?

Who doesn't ? In this case we needed an on-chip octagonal coil design, but struggled with the idea of drawing them by hand.

Which is why i created this SKILL script (actually LISP, but whatevs).

Once loaded into Cadence Virtuoso, it will give you access to an inductor PCell, which can (as extra candy) generate a groundshield for you as well.

Just specify the number of turns, the outer diameter, conductor width and layers, and off you go.

Here are some examples of what this thing spits out.

Good Luck and Have fun!


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